Tuesday, December 21, 2010

QVMS Renovation Advances with Borough Approval

The Sewickley Borough Council approved the Quaker Valley Middle School renovation project at their December 20th meeting.  The borough council members considered the previous recommendation and approval of both the planning commission and zoning hearing board. The final borough council vote for approval was unanimous.
“We are pleased to have the approval of the borough as we move forward with this project.  We appreciate the time and the consideration all the borough’s committees and council members gave this project.  We know the result will be a much improved educational facility that will be an asset to our district and the community,” Superintendent Joseph H. Clapper, D.Ed. said. 

The next step in the approval process is the Act 34 public hearing regarding Quaker Valley Middle School to be conducted at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, December 21, 2010, in the auditorium of the Quaker Valley Middle School.

The Act 34 hearing is a requirement under Pennsylvania law, which requires school districts engaging in significant new construction projects to hold a public hearing in order to be eligible to for state funding for the project.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Zoning Hearing Board Approves Variances for QVMS Renovation

At their December 7, 2010 meeting, Sewickley Borough’s Zoning Hearing Board unanimously granted variances for the Quaker Valley Middle School renovation project.  In September, the district applied for variances as part of the land development and additions to the Quaker Valley Middle School.

The board’s decision permits 76 parking spaces on the middle school site (a net increase of 40 spaces results from repurposed district office parking plus additional spaces planned) and an increase in the width of the school driveway on Harbaugh and Graham Streets. (District office personnel no longer occupy the building.) The board approved the variances in accordance with the exhibits, drawings and detailed information as presented by the school district. 

“We are pleased the zoning board granted the variances.  The requested variances reflected our desire to increase on site parking in order to reduce neighborhood street parking and to widen the driveways for the safety of buses, trucks, and emergency vehicles entering and exiting the middle school property,” said Dr. Joseph H. Clapper, Superintendent.

The decision by the zoning board will be submitted to the Sewickley Borough Council for their final approval on the middle school project.  The next meeting of Sewickley Borough Council is set for 7:00 PM December 20, 2010.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sewickley Planning Commission Recommends QVMS Renovation

On December 1, 2010, the Sewickley Borough Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend the Quaker Valley Middle School renovation project.

“We have been pleased with the dialogue with borough officials as we work together to advance this important renovation project,” Dr. Joseph Clapper, superintendent, said.

The school district will present the project to the Sewickley Borough Council during their December 20th meeting, which is scheduled for 7:00 p.m.