Tuesday, January 25, 2011

QVMS Renovation Moves Ahead: District Submits PlanCon Parts D & E

The Quaker Valley School Board approved the submission of PlanCon parts D & E for the middle school renovation as presented by Eckles Architecture & Engineering and the district administration.

PlanCon is an acronym for Planning and Construction Workbook, a set of forms and procedures required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).   Districts must adhere to the PlanCon process when applying for reimbursement in the State of Pennsylvania. As stated on the PDE website, “The PlanCon forms are designed to document a local school district's planning process, provide justification for a project to the public, ascertain compliance with state laws and regulations and establish the level of state participation in the cost of the project.”

PlanCon Part D relates to the estimated costs of the project and the district’s ability to pay as well as addresses the district’s adherence to the requirements for public hearings for building projects. The district completed the forms and worksheets for PlanCon Part D including information and comments submitted the Act 34 public hearing, which took place on December 21, 2010.

PlanCon Part E addresses design development through a conference review with PDE; all architectural aspects of the fully developed plan are discussed. As required by PDE, the architect and a district administrator must be present at this review conference. Therefore, following the district’s submission of PlanCon Part E, Eckles and district administrators will convene the review conference.

The district has already fulfilled other parts of the PlanCon process and requests board approval each step of the way.  The School Board approves each submission for PlanCon; the School Board oversees that each PlanCon requirement is being met.

For a complete explanation of the PlanCon Process, below is the information provided on the Pennsylvania Department of Education website:

When a school district undertakes a major construction project and seeks reimbursement from the state, a process known as PlanCon is initiated. PlanCon, an acronym for Planning and Construction Workbook, is a set of forms and procedures used to apply for reimbursement from Pennsylvania. The PlanCon forms are designed to document a local school district's planning process, provide justification for a project to the public, ascertain compliance with state laws and regulations and establish the level of state participation in the cost of the project. For more information,
visit the State Department of Education website.

Part A - Project Justification, provides the description of a proposed project and the justification of its need.
Part B - Schematic Design, is a technical review conference of the conceptual drawings, site plan and educational specifications. The architect and a district administrator who is knowledgeable about the project and the educational program must be present at the schematic design conference.
Part C - Site Acquisition, deals with the acquisition of land for school building projects or the purchase of a building for school or district administration office use. This part is completed only if land is acquired or a building is purchased as part of the scope of the project.
Part D - Project Accounting Based on Estimates, is concerned with estimated project costs. In this part, various "tests" of a district's financial ability to make payments are performed, as required by Section 21.51 of the State Board of Education Regulations. This part also addresses the requirements for public hearings on school building projects, as required by Sections 7-701.1 and 7-731 of the Public School Code of 1949, as amended. PlanCon Part D also provides an estimate of state reimbursement.
Part E - Design Development, is a conference to review the architectural aspects of a project when the design is fully developed. The architect and a district administrator must be present at this review conference.
Part F - Construction Documents, is a conference to review the bid specifications and drawings for the project and documentation that other state and local agency requirements have been met or will be met before entering into construction contracts. Departmental approval of PlanCon Part F authorizes a district to receive bids and enter into construction contracts. The architect and a district administrator must be present at this review conference.
Part G - Project Accounting Based on Bids, is concerned with actual construction bids. A project’s eligibility for reimbursement is ultimately determined at PlanCon Part G.
Part H - Project Financing, addresses the financing used for a project. Calculation of the temporary reimbursable percent for a project's financing occurs at PlanCon Part H. Once PlanCon Part H is approved, reimbursement on a project commences.
Part I - Interim Reporting, provides for the reporting of change orders and/or supplemental contracts during construction.
Part J- Project Accounting Based on Final Costs, is the final accounting for the project. The permanent reimbursable percent is calculated at PlanCon Part J.
Part K - Project Refinancing, is used if a reimbursable bond issue is refunded, refinanced or restructured.