Relocation of Grades 7 and 8 to Anthony Wayne
Why did the District select Anthony Wayne?
The school district analyzed several locations in order to determine the best relocation site for middle school students for the 2011-2012 school year. Moon School District facilities, Mount Galitzin Academy, classroom trailers, and Anthony Wayne Elementary School were all considerations in this decision. After investigating both the Moon and Mt. Galitzin options, it became clear that neither of those sites would be available to Quaker Valley during the 11-12 school year. Furthermore, the Mt. Galitzin site, although beautiful, does not have enough classroom spaces to support the educational program. The option of classroom trailers was also investigated, but there were a whole host of issues, i.e. financial, zoning, placement of trailers, sewage and water hookups, power and safety issues, were all reasons why this option was not viable. Anthony Wayne Elementary School was selected as the best available option to the school district. Although the building was originally designed to be an elementary school, K-6, the footprint of the building clearly allows the space to accommodate the educational program for students in grades 7 and 8. The structure was thoroughly scrutinized and investigated prior to making this decision. School administrators and some faculty visited the site on numerous occasions as a part of the decision making process. In the end, the district is confident that the outstanding educational program that is currently afforded to grades 7 and 8 students will be effectively delivered at Anthony Wayne during the 2011-2012 school year. During the coming months the middle school administration and faculty will be visiting the building in preparation for the transition to Anthony Wayne.
What safety/security measures are being considered in regard to students attending Anthony Wayne?
The school district has already begun a thorough analysis of aspects of student safety and security that will be in place at the very beginning of the 2011-2012 school year. First, the main entrance to Anthony Wayne will be a locked, secure entrance. Admission to the building by visitors will only be permitted through this secure entrance. All other doors will be securely locked during the entire school day. Additionally, cameras will be located at each of these doors to further enhance the safety and security of students and staff inside the building. A security officer will likely be on hand throughout the day to monitor movement both inside and outside the building. There will be additional measures taken to ensure student safety but it would not be appropriate to elaborate upon or identify those here so as not to compromise safety.
What co-curricular activities will be conducted?
There is no question that co-curricular activities are an important component of the middle school educational program. These after school activities are healthy, productive outlets for students of this age. District personnel have been working for months to plan for the provision of co-curricular activities. To that end, examination of space, location, and feasibility of each existing activity has been a high priority. Although it is the goal that every current activity be replicated in some form or fashion, it is possible that a few of them may either be limited, modified, or eliminated for one year. Further information about each activity will be communicated as decisions are made in the coming weeks and months.
The district is investigating the possibility of providing an after-school activity bus for students who are engaged in co-curricular activities that might take place at Anthony Wayne. Information regarding this will be determined by the outcome of decision regarding co-curricular activities.
What work is being done at Anthony Wayne to prepare for the 2011-12 school year?
Work is already under way at Anthony Wayne to prepare for students’ arrival at the beginning of the school year. Heating, electrical, and plumbing systems are currently being evaluated, repaired, and updated as needed. The school administration is in the process of finalizing room assignments for individual classes. A single maintenance worker will be dedicated to the preparation of Anthony Wayne. Other areas of work to prepare the building include testing of air and water quality, fire safety, cafeteria, and security equipment. It is our desire to have the building ‘student ready’ by June 2011.
How will transportation be managed for students attending Anthony Wayne?
There will need to be additional buses utilized in order to efficiently transport students both to and from Anthony Wayne. The district is in the planning stages of establishing exact routes, stops, and times. As has been the past practice of the district, a transportation card, or bus stop card, will be mailed to all families prior to the beginning of the school year. It is our desire to provide this information earlier than normal so that families can be adequately informed and prepared for the start of the year. Although we much prefer students ride buses to and from Anthony Wayne, we realize some parents may choose to drive their children to school. A separate drop off area for parent vehicular traffic will be established and communicated to parents prior to the start of school. This parent drop off area will be separate from the bus traffic area. All students will likely be dismissed from Anthony Wayne at the conclusion of the day, rather than the current staggered dismissal arrangement. This will allow for an expedient and efficient dismissal and prompt return of students to their homes.
What will be the school hours for Anthony Wayne?
The school hours for students at Anthony Wayne will be comparable to the current middle school hours. There may be a slight adjustment to the starting and/or ending time of the school day. The overall amount of instructional time for students should remain nearly identical to the current schedule.
Will students still be engaged in the same academic offerings while at Anthony Wayne?
Students will be engaged in the same core academic offerings at Anthony Wayne as are currently offered at Quaker Valley Middle School. There are going to be some changes made to exploratory offerings for both grades 7 and 8. These slight changes in program will remain upon student return to the newly renovated Quaker Valley Middle School.
What ideas are you considering for students to provide a smooth transition to Anthony Wayne?
The middle school administration and faculty will be engaged in planning for a smooth transition of students to Anthony Wayne for the 2011-2012 school year. Parents will be given the opportunity to participate in some facets of this planning as their input will be vital to this process. Students will also be asked to provide input into the transition process.
Relocation of Grade Six to Osborne
Why is Edgeworth sixth grade going to Osborne?
The administration and faculty feel strongly about maintaining the middle school program for grade 6 students. Under normal circumstances, Edgeworth and Osborne students would be combined in grade 6 at Quaker Valley Middle School. Because this is not possible, the next best solution is to combine them in one location. Osborne Elementary was selected because there is simply more room to accommodate the class. Program needs for grade 6 also will be better served at the Osborne facility. There are tremendous educational and support program benefits and efficiencies if sixth grade students are combined at Osborne for 2011-12.
What will be the school hours for grade 6 students at Osborne?
No final determination has been made concerning student hours in grade 6 at Osborne Elementary School. It is likely though, that grade 6 students will follow the typical middle school schedule that currently exists. If this is the case, grade 6 students will arrive at Osborne well before students in grades 1-5. There is tremendous value to maintaining grade 6 students on the middle school schedule due to early morning facility availability, staffing needs, transportation, program and other schedule needs. When the schedule is finalized it will be communicated promptly.
How will transportation be managed for Edgeworth students attending grade 6 at Osborne?
There may need to be additional buses utilized in order to efficiently transport students to Osborne. The district is in the planning stages of establishing exact routes, stops, and times. As has been the past practice of the district, a transportation card, or bus stop card, will be mailed to all families prior to the beginning of the school year. It is our desire to provide this information earlier than normal so that families can be adequately informed and prepared for the start of the year. Although we much prefer students ride buses to and from Osborne, we realize some parents may choose to drive their children to school. A separate drop off area for parent vehicular traffic is established at that site.
Relocation of Osborne Kindergarten to Edgeworth
Why are all incoming kindergarten students being enrolled at Edgeworth next year? Will this be a permanent move?
A kindergarten center at Edgeworth will house all kindergarten students for the 2011-2012 school year. This is the identical arrangement that took place during the elementary school renovations. There was enormous success with this arrangement during the elementary renovation years. The district’s entire kindergarten faculty collaborated extremely well at a single site. Having the kindergarten program combined in a single location affords students a unique and special learning opportunity that otherwise would not exist in this scenario. Thus, program needs for kindergarten will be better served at the Edgeworth facility during this school year. This will not be a permanent arrangement. Osborne students will return to their neighborhood school for the 2012-2013 school year. Kindergarten Roundup will be conducted at Edgeworth in late February.
How will transportation be managed for Osborne students attending kindergarten at Edgeworth?
The district is in the planning stages of establishing exact routes, stops, and times. As has been the past practice of the district, a transportation card, or bus stop card, will be mailed to all families prior to the beginning of the school year. It is our desire to provide this information earlier than normal so that families can be adequately informed and prepared for the start of the year. Although we much prefer students ride buses to and from Edgeworth, we realize some parents may choose to drive their children to school. A separate drop off area for parent vehicular traffic is established at that site. For those parents who have younger children attending Osborne Elementary School, (grades 1 or 2) who prefer to drive their children to Edgeworth, arrangements will be made for the possibility of a staggered starting time if necessary. Details regarding this arrangement will be communicated to parents and families by kindergarten teachers and the building principal.
General Questions
When will the school year begin for the 2011-12 school year?
The 2011-2012 school calendar will be adopted by the Quaker Valley School District Board of Directors in late January of 2011. It is very likely that the school year will commence on or later than August 25, 2011. When the official school calendar is approved, it will be promptly communicated to all families.
Will students have access to the Quaker Valley Middle School buildings and grounds during the renovation.
No. The entire site will be off-limits to the community, including the students. This is to ensure the safety of everyone involved. It is our expectation that all parents will communicate this message of safety to their children.
Concluding Remarks
The school board and administration recognize that these relocation arrangements for the 2011-2012 school year will regrettably cause some inconvenience for parents and students. The district is taking great care and concern during the planning and subsequent implementation of educational programming for the 2011-2012 school year. The Quaker Valley Middle School is in dire need of this renovation due to overcrowding and infrastructure shortcomings. Completion of this project will result in providing thousands of Quaker Valley Middle School students and the community a 21st Century facility that will be an asset to students, families, and general community of the Quaker Valley School District for decades to come.