Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Plan Con A and B Submitted to PDE

The Quaker Valley School District Board of Directors approved that Plan Con A and B be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) at the September 21, 2010 legislative meeting.  When a school district undertakes a major construction project and seeks reimbursement from the state the Plan Con process must be followed.  The Plan Con forms are designed to document a local school district's planning process, provide justification for a project to the public, ascertain compliance with state laws and regulations, and establish the level of state participation in the cost of the project.

Plan Con A - Project Justification - provides the description of a proposed project and justification for its need.

Plan Con B - Schematic Design - a technical review conference of the conceptual drawings, site plan, and educational specifications.  The architect and district administrator who is knowledgeable about the project and the educational program must be present at the schematic design conference.