In anticipation of the middle school students attending both Osborne Elementary School (grade 6) and the Anthony Wayne school (grades 7 & 8) in 2011-2012, the district administrators and middle school staff have been busy locating alternative venues for the middle school’s afterschool activities, sports and programs.
At his first of two gatherings specifically planned to provide middle school parents with renovation updates and to hear parent concerns, principal Sean Aiken shared some of the location options and projected transportation solutions. “We will make every effort not to abandon our activities and programs next year,” Mr. Aiken said.
Again, on February 16th from 8:00-9:30 AM, Mr. Aiken will answer parent questions and discuss any concerns. Please contact Mrs. Cheryl Savage at 412.749.5079 to RSVP. The meetings will take place in the community room at the middle school.