Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fixtures Installed in Section A / Floors and Walls Constructed in Section B

While floors are being poured and walls are going up in the integrated arts wing, equipment is being installed in the classrooms of the more completed areas of the building e.g. the third floor. The bathroom fixtures are being installed in the restrooms and the lockers are being installed in the hallways.

The walls in the new art and band areas consist of structural steel studs, with insulation, cement wall board (green), rubber based vapor coating (blue), foam insulation, cement block, another layer of foam, moisture weeping mesh, brick veneer. (To the right of the new addition is the new elevator shaft.)

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Renovation Work Focused on Additions B and C

During the month of May, the renovation crew has completed tasks representing contrasts between work completed outside and inside, and work associated with the early stages and late or final stages.

Casework (cupboard type units that are mounted to the wall) have been installed behind the area where teachers’ desk will be located, as well as in the science labs and special needs classrooms.  New millwork units (free standing cabinets) have been installed in the classrooms and tile has been installed around the guidance area suite.

In contrast, outside, a new concrete wall was built to withstand the pressure generated by the new auditorium.

Geo-foam was installed in the area once occupied by the former orchestra pit as well as steel work and decking had to be completed to ready the space for construction of new classrooms in the “B” addition. 

A addition = Gym/health & wellness/ cafeteria reconfiguration
B addition = New integrated arts classrooms
C addition = New auditorium

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dr. Clapper Updates QV Families About Renovation & Impact on 2012-13 Calendar

In a letter to all Quaker Valley families, Dr. Clapper explains the decision to delay the move back into the renovated middle school.  As it turned out the variety of unforeseen circumstances slowed the progress, which resulted in the delay of move in.  Key to making the final decision was the fact that everyone agreed that it would not be safe to move students into a school "under construction."

Read Letter

Friday, April 27, 2012

Work Continues During Squaring-Up of Steel on New Additions

Among the many April happenings at the renovation site has been the arrival of new steel for the additions at the south end of the middle school building. After arrival, the new steel was installed creating the structure for the art and band classrooms. Once installed, the steel appeared to be untouched during the squaring-up process. Dr. Marrone, Director of Administrative Services explains that even though the steel goes up quickly, it can appear that work stops in that area of construction. However, each day the steel structure is adjusted to secure and be sure it is level and “square” before the walls and floors are constructed to bear the weight of the completed addition.

The foundation for the new auditorium is being completed. Once finished, the steel will rise on that addition and the squaring-up process will begin again.

In the mean time, the photos of renovation progress for April 13-23 show that work continues in other areas of the building: Cabinets a.k.a “casework” has arrived for top floor classrooms, the foundation has been laid for the loading dock area; the wall for the windows in the wellness center has been installed; the elevator shaft has been established; new floors for the locker rooms has been poured; and the brick has been cleaned on the 1925 portion of the building.

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Diverse Phases of Work Completion Represented Throughout the Site

On any given day, there are 40 to 50 members of the renovation construction crew working on the site of the middle school. The crew is working on projects that represent all phases of construction from an initial phase to what could be considered a finishing or completion phase.

The work on some of the upper level classrooms and restrooms is close to the final phases including the preparing the floors for the installation of vinyl composite tile, VCT; finalizing the installation of VCT in classrooms: or completing the installation of ceramic tile in restrooms and hallways.

Block work on the cafeteria addition and loading dock area moved the construction along at the one end of the building at the same time QV maintenance workers were on the site to learn about the new rooftop HVAC units including how to maintain the new systems.

While the brick was being installed on the gym extension, demolition and construction was being started in areas where the new auditorium is being built.

The new addition for the integrated arts addition started to take shape with block work for the new elevator shaft. The interior of the old auditorium was demolished including the old balcony area while installation was started on the gray beams for the new auditorium. 

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Reno Work Starts on Two Additions

As the month of March ended, renovation work included work on the addition where the new integrated arts classrooms will be built and soon after the addition for the new auditorium. After weeks working to excavate where the old district offices were housed, work started on demolishing the old auditorium, while new steel was being installed to support the music and orchestra rooms.

Work in other areas included installing new roof top units and ceiling grids; cutting new windows and installing new windows in the new office area. On the third floor, the crew was installing new data cable and tiling in the new third floor bathrooms.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March Ushers in Work on New Areas of Renovation

As the month of February ended, some of the work crew’s attention was focused on completing some of the excavation work and clearing the way for installation of new components of the construction. Such work included the final excavation of the foundation for the columns that would support the classroom retrofit of the old auditorium, properly removing more uncovered asbestos, and removing old sanitary sewer pipes.

The work made way for the installation of the new sanitary sewer pipes, gravel being pumped into the foundation. Work continues as steel arrives for the gym/ health and wellnesss area and the loading dock and cafeteria area. Stud walls started going up in the new computer and media lab as well as the sixth grade area. Windows were cut into a classroom that had previously had no windows and the crew touched up the drywall on the third floor in preparation for painting and tiling.

Once again, on March 8, Principal Sean Aiken visited the site. He saw first hand the work starting in new areas of the project. The foundation was started for the art and band room addition. New steel beams were being installed as well as a new entrance for the health and wellness area. The crew was cutting places for new windows, painting classrooms on the third floor and finishing up the insulation of HVAC pipes on the third floor.

Work started on the new storm water sewer behind the stadium area along Route 65.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Out with the OLD, In with the NEW

As the renovation work uncovered the remnants of the old gymnasium (Circa 1925- 1958) under the former district offices, the walls were being erected in the new health and wellness center area located at the other end of the building. In addition, the former locker rooms were demolished.

Unfortunately the crew discovered more asbestos, which slowed work since it had to be removed before they could continue excavating in the former district office area. That area will house the ground floor of the integrated arts classrooms.

Other work included the installation of the ceiling grid in the hallway and some interior painting, both on the third floor.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Renovation Work Varies from New Construction to Finish Work

Depending on where you enter the middle school renovation, you would see anything from the construction of the new wall on the gymnasium expansion to drywall being taped in classrooms and in preparation for lockers.

The former middle school main offices have been completely demolished and rough wiring for the circuit breakers were installed on the third floor.

Components of the heating and cooling systems have been installed in areas that had been prepped; new boilers have been set in place and workers have been inspecting the fan coil units, which regulate the heating and cooling in each classroom.

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School Board Approves PlanCon H

The school board approved the completion of PlanCon H by the administration and architect, and the submission of Plan Con H to the Pennsylvania Department of Education at a cost of $1,200 for the production of microfilm of the middle school drawings and specifications to be taken from the 2011 bond issue fund.

According to the Pennsylvania Dept. of Education, PlanCon Part H -Project Financing, addresses the financing used for a project. Calculation of the temporary reimbursable percent for a project's financing occurs at PlanCon Part H.  Once PlanCon Part H is approved, reimbursement on a project commences.

In order for the district to be considered for reimbursement, PlanCon Part H is another step in the process, which the district must complete.

Monday, January 30, 2012

New Health & Wellness Wing Starts to Take Shape

With the good weather, the crew continues to work in many areas of the building at the same time. They pumped concrete to the second floor so the bases for the new lockers could be poured. They were testing samples of concrete and sending them off to the lab for evaluation. Samples of new brick and mortar were reviewed to determine a match to the present building.

As the month of January ends, much attention has turned to the construction of the health and wellness wing of the middle school. With most of the steel beams in place, the crew started on the floor for the wing as well as the block walls of the new gymnasium. Prior to pouring the floor, the crew installed floor boxes to hold the power and network connections for the health and wellness equipment. In another part of the building, the crew installed floor boxes for similar purposes in the computer lab.

Throughout the construction, the crew finds remnants of the building’s previous structure. Last week, they discovered the old steps and hallway that had connected the former gym to the locker rooms during the period from 1925 until the mid 1950’s.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Steel Arrives as Construction Advances

With the arrival of steel, the construction of “additions” to the original structure becomes evident. The framework for the new addition/expansion to the gym and the health & wellness area progresses.

More interior walls have been removed to make room for the repurposing of areas: The former district office area has been cleared to make room for the new family and consumer area and the technology education areas. The east stairway that used to rise from the district office area all the way to the second floor has been removed to make room for the addition to the auditorium space.

The middle school office area will be located at the Harbaugh Street entrance with a new nurses and guidance offices nearby.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Renovation Crew Welcomes Mild Weather

The renovation site was busy the first week of January—work was being completed on the inside, outside as well as on all levels of the building.

Outside, crewmembers were busy installing a new water line leading into the building and others were cleaning the exterior of the older sections of the structure.

Inside, another team pored fresh concrete for a new classroom that will be located across the hall from the former office.

Work crews installed new dry wall in the hallway on the third floor. Eventually lockers will be mounted along the new wall. New pipe systems were installed in third floor classrooms and new studs were constructed on the middle level.

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