During the month of May, the renovation crew has completed tasks representing contrasts between work completed outside and inside, and work associated with the early stages and late or final stages.
Casework (cupboard type units that are mounted to the wall) have been installed behind the area where teachers’ desk will be located, as well as in the science labs and special needs classrooms. New millwork units (free standing cabinets) have been installed in the classrooms and tile has been installed around the guidance area suite.
In contrast, outside, a new concrete wall was built to withstand the pressure generated by the new auditorium.
Geo-foam was installed in the area once occupied by the former orchestra pit as well as steel work and decking had to be completed to ready the space for construction of new classrooms in the “B” addition.
A addition = Gym/health & wellness/ cafeteria reconfiguration
B addition = New integrated arts classrooms
C addition = New auditorium
View latest renovation photos