Tuesday, November 30, 2010

School Board to Hold Act 34 Hearing for Middle School Project

Members of the Quaker Valley School Board unanimously approved a resolution authorizing an Act 34 public hearing to be held in order to review the renovations to Quaker Valley Middle School. The public hearing regarding Quaker Valley Middle School will be conducted at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, December 21, 2010, in the auditorium of the Quaker Valley Middle School.
The Act 34 hearing is a requirement under Pennsylvania law, which requires school districts engaging in significant new construction projects to hold a public hearing in order to be eligible to receive state funding for the respective project.

A description of the projects, including information regarding educational, physical, administrative, budgetary and fiscal matters related to the projects will be presented. The Act 34 booklet for the Quaker Valley Middle School is available on the district’s website ~ www.qvsd.org. In addition, the information is available in the school board secretary’s office, which is located in the district office 100 Leetsdale Industrial Drive. 
The Act 34 public hearing is open to all Quaker Valley residents. Those wishing to speak about the projects during the hearing are encouraged to contact John Sheline, school board secretary, by phone at 412-749-3619 or via email shelinej@qvsd.org. Additional testimony will be received from the floor at the hearing as time permits. Please note that comments will be limited to 5 minutes per individual.

Written comments will also be accepted by the school board secretary until noon on Friday, January 21, 2011. Comments may be submitted via email shelinej@qvsd.org or by mail Attn. John Sheline, Quaker Valley School District, 203 Graham Street, Sewickley, PA.

To access Act 34 Booklet