Wednesday, February 23, 2011

School Board Authorizes Preparation of PlanCon F & Bids For QVMS Renovation

The Quaker Valley School Board authorized the district administration to work with Eckles Architecture & Engineering to prepare and submit PlanCon F (Construction Documents) to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). As part of this process the Board passed a “Resolution of Certification” in lieu of agency approval permits and service availability letters as part of the requirement of PlanCon F.

PlanCon Part F as stated by the PDE “…is a conference to review the bid specifications and drawings for the project and documentation that other state and local agency requirements have been met or will be met before entering into construction contracts…”

In addition, the School Board authorized the district administration and Eckles Architecture and Engineering to prepare and publish bids for the additions and renovations to the middle school project. PDE approval of PlanCon F authorizes the district to receive bids and enter into construction contracts.

PlanCon is an acronym for Planning and Construction Workbook, a set of forms and procedures required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). Districts must adhere to the PlanCon process when applying for reimbursement in the State of Pennsylvania. As stated on the PDE website, “The PlanCon forms are designed to document a local school district's planning process, provide justification for a project to the public, ascertain compliance with state laws and regulations and establish the level of state participation in the cost of the project.”

The district has fulfilled previous sections of the PlanCon process and requests board approval each step of the way. The School Board approves each submission for PlanCon; the School Board oversees that each PlanCon requirement is being met.