Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall 2011: Frequently Asked Questions

Months have passed, and the middle school renovation project is underway. Here are the latest, most frequently asked questions, along with their answers:

What caused the delay to the middle school renovation project?
In April 2011, the Quaker Valley Board of School Directors unanimously rejected all bids for the project because they were significantly higher than expected.

What took place between April 2011 and June 2011?
Throughout these months, the architects, engineers, administration, and board members worked diligently to “value engineer” the project in order to lower the overall costs to the district.

Was the district successful with lowering the cost of the original project?
Yes, The second bid showed a significant overall savings of $4.3 million from the original April 2011 bids.

From April to June, what changes were made from the original plan?
The board decided to delay the athletic field and retaining wall along Ohio River Boulevard. Additionally, design changes were made in HVAC, plumbing, electrical, and technology areas. There were also many changes to building materials, such as flooring and other finishes. .

How much did the re-bid process delay the project?
The project started seven weeks later than expected.

Will 7th and 8th grade students need to return to Anthony Wayne for 2012-13 because of the seven-week delay?
The district has developed an aggressive renovation timeline that calls for the substantial completion of the project in mid to late August with school opening following Labor Day. Although it is extremely early, we have no reason to believe at this point that this timeline will not be met.

However, there are always unknown factors when renovating a building of this age. Additionally, there could be product delivery issues (e.g. steel, etc.) or regulatory agencies could be slow in providing the approvals necessary to advance the project. Rest assured, though, the district administration and the school board will do everything within their power and authority to adhere to the established timeline. A full-time construction manager is on-site every day, along with Dr. Joseph Marrone, director of administrative services, to direct and monitor the entire project.

As always, the safety of our children is absolutely paramount. Students will not return to Quaker Valley Middle School until we are confident that the environment is safely prepared.

When will the 2012-13 school year begin?
An official school calendar will be adopted in January, 2012. We already plan that the 2012-2013 school year will not begin until after Labor Day.

Why did the board borrow an additional $6 million?
In July the board borrowed an additional $6 million for three reasons. First, the additional funding was needed to complete the renovations that were approved in July. Second, the additional funding will allow the district to complete the retaining wall and work on the athletic field and track. Delaying this work would only prolong the disruption of the entire site. Finally, the board borrowed the additional funds in order to have the money available to address necessary capital building projects ~ primarily at Quaker Valley High School.

It should be noted that district borrowed this additional amount at a historically low rate.

What kinds of communication strategies will you use to keep the public updated?
The school district has made extensive efforts to be transparent and informative when it comes to providing details about the middle school renovation project. We have established a blog with information and photos, eLinks are emailed with updates, and there have been a variety of informational community meetings. In the coming weeks and months, we will provide video depicting the progress of the renovations. None of these tools were used during the elementary renovations.