Due to pouring rain, the group set aside the shovels and reviewed some of architects’ drawings prior to taking a short tour of the building for a construction update. Scott Smith, construction manager led the group along with Dr. Joseph Marrone, Director of Administrative Services. Touring the facility with Senator Pippy was Dr. Joseph Clapper, superintendent, David Pusateri, QV school board facilities committee chair, and Dr. Heidi Ondek, assistant superintendent.
“Although our official ribbon cutting is tentatively scheduled for next fall, we did not want to let any more time pass without acknowledging Senator Pippy and his staff for their efforts which helped us secure a School Demonstration grant of $250,000 from The Pennsylvania Department of Education, “ Clapper said. “During this time of tight budgets this is one example of how responsive and responsible government collaboration can have a positive impact on public schools and most importantly the education of our young people.”
The new addition will incorporate the former district office and auditorium portions of the building and be converted to instructional spaces that will be dedicated to instruction in fine arts and technology as well as the addition of a new auditorium for performances.
The newly planned classroom and performance space is being designed specifically so students and teachers will have access to arts and technology activities during, before and after school. The Quaker Valley School District advocates for educational opportunities that further develop students’ creativity and innovation skills, essential to career training and 21st century success in the work place.